SMPTE 2020 Awards gala
2020 honorees

James A. Lindner Archival Technology Medal
James Snyder
Senior Systems Administrator, Library of Congress - National Audio Visual Conservation Center
The James A. Lindner Archival Technology Medal, established in 2012, renamed in 2017, and sponsored by James A. Lindner, honors the recipient by recognizing significant technical advancements or contributions related to the invention or development of technology, techniques, workflows, or infrastructure for the long-term storage, archive or preservation of media content essence.
The 2020 James A. Lindner Archival Technology Medal is awarded to James Snyder, in recognition of his work developing workflows and methodologies for digitizing and archiving large media collections, and his commitment to sharing his knowledge and experience. He has presented at various industry events, including conferences and webinars and has published numerous articles. He continues to be involved in creating the standards and best practices for archiving and preserving media assets.

Camera Origination and Imaging Medal
Gérard Corbasson
Technical Director, Angénieux (Retired)
The Camera Origination and Imaging Medal, established in 2012, honors the recipient by recognizing significant technical achievements related to invention or advances in imaging technology including sensors, imaging processing electronics and the overall embodiment and application of image capture devices.
The 2020 Camera Origination and Imaging Medal is awarded to Gérard Corbasson, for his enduring contributions to the improvement of television and film camera optics, notably the incorporation of real-time microprocessor control in lenses, the design of optical collimation equipment for CCDs, and the design of the first beam splitter for a color-broadcast CCD camera.

Digital Processing Medal
Katie Cornog
Consultant, Applied Video Research
The Digital Processing Medal, established in 2012, honors the recipient by recognizing significant technical achievements related to the development of digital processing of content for motion picture, television, games or other related media.
The 2020 Digital Processing Medal is awarded to Katie Cornog, in recognition of her role in creating a wide range of digital signal processing methods at the Office of the CTO of Avid Technology, Inc.. Her contributions include scene change detection algorithms, motion adaptive deinterlacing, extraction of 3D information from video, polyphase filter design and machine learning techniques for image resizing, slow motion and video retiming based on motion analysis, optimization for video compression rate control, digital watermarking, splicing of compressed bitstreams. Cornog was also instrumental in the development of the DNxHD master quality codec optimized for PC based non-linear production that was standardized as SMPTE ST 2019, also known as VC-3.

Excellence in Education Medal
Dr. Corey P. Carbonara, Ph.D
Professor, Baylor Univ. Film & Digital Media Division
The Excellence in Education Medal, established in 2016 and sponsored by William C. Miller and Ellen Sontag-Miller, honors the recipient by recognizing outstanding contributions to new or unique educational programs that teach the technologies of motion pictures, television, or other imaging sciences including emerging media technology. The award shall recognize an individual who advances the educational process at any level through innovative and inspirational methods.
The 2020 Excellence in Education Medal is awarded to Dr. Corey P. Carbonara, Ph.D, in recognition of his more than 35 years of teaching production and media technology. His ability to transform complex ideas into lessons that his students can understand is revered. His passion for media and digital technology and for the role they play in the lives of individuals is evident in every class he teaches.

Excellence in Standards Award
John F. Snow
FPGA Architect, Cobalt Digital
The Excellence in Standards Award recognizes individuals or companies who have been actively involved in advancing Society standards activities and processes.
The 2020 Excellence in Standards Award is presented to John F. Snow, in recognition of his long-standing participation and leadership in the SMPTE Standards Community. Snow has made significant contributions to a wide range of activities, always in his own style. Snow is a consistent and essential voice of reason in a process often fraught with conflict and emotion. Not inclined to shy away from potentially controversial topics, Snow manages to bring measured logic to discussions, particularly in his role as Chair of the Networks and Facilities Technology Committee. Snow is a most valued member of the standards community; his quiet, unassuming attitude and dedication to the Society truly makes a difference.

Honorary Membership
Richard Edlund, ASC
Senior Visual Effects Supervisor
Richard Edlund Films
Honorary Membership in the Society recognizes individuals who have performed eminent service in the advancement of engineering in motion pictures, television, or in the allied arts and sciences. Such contributions shall represent substantially a lifetime's work inasmuch as Honorary Membership shall be the supreme accolade of the Society.
Honorary Membership is conferred upon Richard Edlund, in recognition of his lifetime advancing the art and science of visual effects cinematography. His work on special effects began with the Star Wars franchise and led to the development and implementation of digital image processing technology and innovative operating techniques that have driven the rapid evolution of special effects in virtually every form of visual entertainment. Edlund has been valued by the motion picture industry for his many technical innovations, including the Empire Motion Picture Camera System.

Honorary Membership
Reed Hastings
Honorary Membership in the Society recognizes individuals who have performed eminent service in the advancement of engineering in motion pictures, television, or in the allied arts and sciences. Such contributions shall represent substantially a lifetime's work inasmuch as Honorary Membership shall be the supreme accolade of the Society.
Honorary Membership is conferred upon Reed Hastings, in recognition of his momentous development and continued leadership of Netflix. Hastings been a significant force in growing motion picture and television viewing beyond theatrical and traditional broadcasting to include internet streaming on a multitude of wired and wireless platforms.

Honorary Membership
John D. Ross
Founder, Ross Video Ltd.
Honorary Membership in the Society recognizes individuals who have performed eminent service in the advancement of engineering in motion pictures, television, or in the allied arts and sciences. Such contributions shall represent substantially a lifetime's work inasmuch as Honorary Membership shall be the supreme accolade of the Society.
Honorary Membership is conferred upon John Ross, in recognition of a lifetime of advancing the state-of-the-art in television engineering. His work and inventions have spanned more than five decades, particularly in video processing, special effects and keying. Among his early achievements, in 1956 Ross designed the first video production switcher in Canada to offer wipes and keys. Later, he designed industry’s first solid-state TV production switcher and a solid-state master control switcher. Founder of one of the industry’s leading equipment suppliers, Ross is the embodiment of a role model, mentor, and leader.

Journal Award
Médéric Blestel
Principal Video Compression Engineer, Mediakind
The Journal Award shall be presented to the author(s) of the most outstanding paper originally published in the Journal of the Society during the preceding calendar year.
The 2020 Journal Award is presented to Julien Le Tanou and Médéric Blestel, for their paper, Analysis of Emerging Video Codecs: Coding Tools, Compression Efficiency, and Complexity, published in the November/December 2019 Issue of the SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal

Journal Award
Julien Le Tanou
Principal Video Compression Engineer, Mediakind
The Journal Award shall be presented to the author(s) of the most outstanding paper originally published in the Journal of the Society during the preceding calendar year.
The 2020 Journal Award is presented to Julien Le Tanou and Médéric Blestel, for their paper, Analysis of Emerging Video Codecs: Coding Tools, Compression Efficiency, and Complexity, published in the November/December 2019 Issue of the SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal

Citation for Outstanding Service to the Society
Bob Hudelson
Engineering Department Manager, AJA Video Systems
The Citation for Outstanding Service to the Society recognizes individuals for dedicated service to the Society over a sustained period of time. Particular emphasis is to be placed on service performed at the Section level, including, but not limited to, services performed at Section meetings, special Section meetings, and national conferences.
The 2020 Citation for Outstanding Service to the Society is awarded to Bob Hudelson, in recognition of his long-standing dedication to SMPTE, the industry, and the local community. For the past 17 years, Hudelson has been active in the leadership of the Sacramento Section, serving as Chair, Past Chair, Manager, and Western Region Governor. Distinguished not only by his commitment to the Society but also his mentorship and education of others, he has worked with Section Managers and Chairs to ensure continuity and strength within the Section. His other contributions to the Section and local community include an initiative to record and stream Section meetings and to develop a number of internship programs for students, exposing them to the broadcast engineering industry and succeeding in launching many new careers.

Citation for Outstanding Service to the Society
Noel Shing-Sun Leung
The Citation for Outstanding Service to the Society recognizes individuals for dedicated service to the Society over a sustained period of time. Particular emphasis is to be placed on service performed at the Section level, including, but not limited to, services performed at Section meetings, special Section meetings, and national conferences.
The 2020 Citation for Outstanding Service to the Society is awarded to Noel Shing-Sun Leung, in recognition of his long-standing service to the Hong Kong Section since his involvement in its formation in 1994. One of the founders of the Hong Kong Section, Leung has been a SMPTE Member since joining as a student in 1973. Over the past 26 years, he has been an active Section Manager and Secretary, working on local events and securing funding for the Section. Leung has helped to expand the influence of the Society in the Asia-Pacific region through liaisons with other organizations and has nurtured the next generation, conducting training courses for the local workforce.

Presidential Proclamation
Leon D. Silverman
President, Strategic Perspective Consulting
The Presidential Proclamation recognizes individuals of established and outstanding status and reputation in the motion picture and television industries worldwide.
The 2020 Presidential Proclamation is awarded to Leon D. Silverman, in recognition of his contributions to the Society and the media entertainment industry as a visionary, innovator, and mentor. Silverman has focused on Hollywood’s evolving technology and its impact on innovation and workflow for more than 40 years. As a mentor, he has collaborated with colleagues to understand and address the challenges of an increasingly digital and data-centric industry and how they contribute to creative processes, workflow efficiencies, quality and digital content integration and archiving. He continues to carry the future generations with him as he pushes the technology forward.

Progress Medal
Natalie Kalmus (posthumously)
The Progress Medal, established in 1935, honors the individual by recognizing outstanding technical contributions to the progress of engineering phases of the motion picture, television, or motion imaging industries.
The 2020 Progress Medal is awarded to Natalie Kalmus, in recognition of her pioneering contribution to motion picture color. As co-founder of the Technicolor Motion Picture Corporation, Kalmus helped to develop the Technicolor process, a groundbreaking innovation that had an unparalleled impact on filmmaking. She worked on more than 400 films, including The Wizard of Oz, as color director, ensuring that the Technicolor process was used to its fullest extent to enhance and not detract from the story. Kalmus, the self-described “Ringmaster to the Rainbow,” was an exemplary role model, especially for young women.

David Sarnoff Medal
Rich Chernock
Retired, Triveni Digital
The David Sarnoff Medal, established in 1950 and sponsored by SRI International, honors the recipient by recognizing outstanding contributions to the development of new techniques or equipment which have contributed to the improvement of the engineering phases of television technology, including large-venue presentations.
The 2020 David Sarnoff Medal is awarded to Rich Chernock, for his contributions to the development of the ATSC 3.0 Digital Television Standard, now being widely implemented and deployed throughout the U.S. Dr. Chernock has also contributed significantly to the development of numerous standards for broadcast, cable, and IPTV, including ATSC 3.0, ATSC 2.0, and Stream Monitoring among others. He holds nine patents on DTV in the fields of data broadcasting, interactive television, and electronic commerce.

Student Paper Award
Adam C. Burke
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
The Student Paper Award recognizes the outstanding paper prepared and submitted by a Student Member. The paper receiving the Student Paper Award will be published in the SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal and identified as the award-winning paper, giving recognition to the author and the institution at which the work was done.
The 2020 Student Paper Award is presented to Adam C. Burke, for his paper, Latency Perception in Cloud-Based Workspaces and Environments.

Technicolor Medal
Beverly Joanna Wood
Managing Director, E-Film
The Technicolor-Natalie and Herbert T. Kalmus Medal, established in 1955 and sponsored by Technicolor, Inc., honors the recipient by recognizing outstanding contributions that reflect a commitment to the highest standards of quality and innovation in motion picture post-production and distribution services.
The 2020 Technicolor-Natalie and Herbert T. Kalmus Medal is awarded to Beverly Joanna Wood, in recognition of her important contributions to the creation and development of Color Contrast Enhancement (CCE) and Adjustable Contrast Enhancement (ACE) motion picture processes, based on her knowledge of chemistry, engineering, and filmmaking, designed in collaboration with filmmakers. Wood has provided luminary guidance to cinematographers through the transition from chemical to digital technology.

Samuel L. Warner Memorial Medal
Andrew Munro
Acoustic Consultant, Munro Acoustic Design
The Samuel L. Warner Memorial Medal, established in 1946 and sponsored by Warner Bros., honors the individual by recognizing outstanding contributions in the design and development of new and improved methods and/or apparatus for motion picture sound, including any step in the process.
The 2020 Samuel L. Warner Memorial Medal is awarded to Andrew Munro, for his significant contribution and many years of dedication to advancing the art and science of sound reproduction in the motion-picture industry. An acoustician, Munro has advanced the design and construction of reference studios for four decades, enabling sound designers and re-recording mixers to have greater and more precise control over their craft. Munro has been entrusted by leading post-production facilities and film companies worldwide.

Workflow Systems Medal
Bruce Leak
General Partner, Playground Global
The Workflow Systems Medal, established in 2012 and sponsored by Leon D. Silverman, honors the recipient by recognizing outstanding contributions related to the development and integration of workflows, such as integrated processes, end-to-end systems or industry ecosystem innovations that enhance creativity, collaboration, efficiency or novel approaches to the production, post-production or distribution process.
The 2020 Workflow Systems Medal is awarded to Bruce Leak, in recognition of his pioneering leadership role that led to the development of the Quick Time extensible multimedia framework, the first mass-market, cross-platform digital video format for personal computers. QuickTime enabled a revolution that allowed users to digitize, compress, and playback media on personal computers for the first time. QuickTime continues to be relevant not only for media professionals, but also in internet streaming and formats used on mobile devices. Bruce’s passionate curiosity in emerging technologies continues to cultivate technological advances today.