Full Name
Thomas Bause Mason
Job Title
Standards Director
Expert Topics
Everything relating to standards development
Standards Document Types
SMPTE Standards development process
Relationships to other organizations
How to start work in SMPTE
What are our technology committees
Standards Document Types
SMPTE Standards development process
Relationships to other organizations
How to start work in SMPTE
What are our technology committees
Expert Topic Description
Intrested to get involved in standards development? Do you have question about how SMPTE works? Get the answers from SMPTE’s Director of Standards development on how SMPTE is structure, how work is being conducted and what the different types of documents are meant for. Learn how you can bring your work to SMPTE.”
Speaker Bio
I am an active member in various SMPTE Technology Committees (10E Essence, 24TB Television and Broadband, 30MR Metadata and Registers, 31FS File Formats and Systems, etc.). I have held a 2-year term as Co-Chair 35PM Media Packaging and Interchange, 2-year term as Co-Chair 31FS File Formats and Systems. I was the Chair of 24TB Study Group (SG) on UHDTV Ecosystem (successfully completed), Co-Chair of SG on HDR Ecosystem (successfully completed) and Chair of the Study Group on Flow Management in Professional Media Networks (ongoing).